Posting on LinkedIn Landed Me a Job
Here's why you should post on LinkedIn I probably need to explain the title of this blog before you accuse me of clickbait. This past summer, I applied for an internship at a local marketing agency. I didn't end up getting the position. However, a few weeks ago I received this email from the Chief Marketing Officer at the agency: I go in for the interview and the CMO explains why she sent me the email. I saw you connected with me on LinkedIn and enjoyed what you've been posting about. I also noticed that you were engaging with our company's content. As a marketer myself, you were doing the right things to catch my attention. By this point, I hope you realize the impact that being active and posting content on LinkedIn can have. Now, let me try and convince you further with some stats and content ideas! For 91% of marketing executives, LinkedIn is the top place to find quality content. Only 3 million LinkedIn users share content on a weekly basis....